/* * Theme Name: SBB * Description: motyw dla SBB Energy * Author: ad360 */Przedłużenie terminu składania ofert na zapytanie ofertowe nr 2/POIR/SBB/9002/2016 - SBB ENERGY S.A.

Przedłużenie terminu składania ofert na zapytanie ofertowe nr 2/POIR/SBB/9002/2016

In connection with the planned implementation of the project entitled .: Hybrid integrated adsorption system to reduce mercury emissions with the use of high-efficiency polymer components in the company SBB Energy SA, which will be implemented under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 Measure 1.2, we would like to inform you that the deadline of delivering offers on tender inquiry no. 2/POIR/SBB 9002/2016 to submit a price quotation for the supply of test cartridges and collectors for the construction of a pilot plant has been extended to 31.01.2017, 15.00 PM.

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