
Installation of a new inverter for the main condensate pump, Opole Power Plant
Project description
The subject of the order was the installation of a new inverter for the main condensate pump 06LCB11AP001 and participation in its launch. The scope of the project included:
- Unloading the boxes with inverter cabinets from the Power Electronics transport center in the 06UMA engine room using an overhead crane and transporting them using the overhead crane, temporary platform, temporary lairs to the room block 6 inverters
- Installing the inverter cabinets in the inverter room, screwing the cabinet frames together, anchoring the cabinets to the ceiling
- Installation of separately transported elements inside the cabinet, such as power cells
- Making all internal electrical connections between cabinets
- Grounding the inverter cabinets using steel hoops
- Performing post-assembly measurements of the completed assembly, completing documentation
- Participation in the launch of the inverter together with the Power Electronics service and GE representatives, performing auxiliary assembly works
- Preparation of red-correx and quality documentation regarding the completed assembly
Project details
- Category: Conventional power generation, Electrical and I & C Installation
- Project location: Opole Power Plant
- Project date: 2020-2021
- Project contractor: GE POWER Sp. z o.o.