
Hybrid adsorption systems for mercury emission reduction using highly efficient polymeric components
Project description
The project co-financed under Priority Axis I “Support for the conduct of R&D work by enterprises” of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020,
Action 1.2 “Sectoral R&D programs”.
Project Objective:
The objective of the HYBREM project is to develop an innovative flue gas treatment system based on a hybrid configuration consisting of several mercury (Hg) reduction methods. Optimization of the developed system will ultimately allow to meet the new mercury emission limits for large combustion plants; it will also take into account the economic viability of the proposed solutions (investment and operational costs). The project is being implemented in consortium with the Pątnów II Power Plant, which is part of the Pątnów-Adamów-Konin SA Power Plant Complex.
Elements of the designed technology will include both commonly used mercury reduction techniques, including the method of sorbent injection and fuel additive dosing, as well as innovative solutions based on polymer membrane modules.
The project involves the construction of a pilot plant to obtain data from actual industrial processes. This data will form the basis of a numerical model under development, which will be used to optimize the hybrid technology, as well as future industrial installations. The model will be implemented through Ansys Fluent commercial software, using User Defined Functions (UDF).
Planned Results:
The proposed hybrid technology will provide the potential to reduce Hg emissions below the levels presented in the BAT conclusions for large combustion plants, without requiring significant changes to traditional flue gas cleaning systems.The technology will be an innovative solution which, in this configuration, has not been used in the Polish or European energy sector. An additional benefit of mercury adsorption agents is that they assist in the reduction of SO2. The designed solution is in line with the technologies presented in the BAT reference document for large combustion plants, as a technology for the removal of mercury from waste gases (postcombustion).
Project value: 10 042 824,64 zł
Contribution from the European Funds: 6 304 339,74 zł
Project details
- Category: Grants
- Project location: -
- Project date: -
- Project contractor: