Hydrogen projectConstruction of publicly accessible hydrogen refueling stations for ORLEN S.A. in Bielsko-Biała and Gorzów Wielkopolski
Commissioning, Conventional power generationCommissioning of bed boiler at Tees REP Power Station, Middlesbrough, UK
Electrical and I & C Installation, Gas power generationComprehensive assembly and delivery of equipment, cables and I&C equipment, Dolna Odra Power Plant, Nowe Czarnowo
Conventional power generation, Electrical and I & C InstallationDesign, delivery and assembly of complete drive systems for air and exhaust gas fans for unit No. 4, Połaniec Power Plant
Commissioning, Conventional power generationConstruction of BW 100 power unit, Zakłady Azotowe „Puławy” S.A.
Conventional power generation, General contractingImplementation of a mercury reduction system and modernization of the electrostatic precipitator for unit No. 9 at the Pątnów – Adamów – Konin Power Plant Group
Electrical and I & C InstallationCarrying out deliveries and assembly works in the I&C industry for BASF Schwarzheide GmbH
Conventional power generation, General contractingFlue gas denitrification installation, Przyjaźń CHP Plant, Zabrze
Conventional power generation, Electrical and I & C InstallationInstallation of a new inverter for the main condensate pump, Opole Power Plant
Conventional power generation, General contractingConstruction of the flue gas treatment installation, Północ CHP Plant, Południe CHP, Radom
General contractingInstallation of environmental protection installations on KFA and KFB boilers, Żerań CHP Plant, Warsaw
Conventional power generation, Electrical and I & C InstallationDelivery of electric motors for mills and mill fans, Opole Power Plant
Conventional power generation, General contractingSCR installation, Vesuvius Skawina Production Plant
Electrical and I & C Installation, Gas power generation Installation of I&C systems and elements of the HDCS system along with the delivery of material Czechnica CHP Plant, Siechnica
Conventional power generation, General contractingGeneral contracting for B1 and B2 boilers, Kosovo Power Plant, Kosovo
Electrical and I & C InstallationComprehensive installation including the supply of instrumentation, cables, and I&C equipment , Dolna Odra Power Plant , Nowe Czarnowo
Biomass boilers, RDF, incinerators, General contractingDevelopment of high-efficiency cogeneration based on biomass, Łąkowa Heat and Power Plant, Grudziądz
Conventional power generation, General contractingConstruction of SCR installation for the OOG-320 boiler (K3), Orlen CHP Plant, Płock
Gas power generation, General contractingConstruction of a gas-fueled cogeneration source based on a set of gas engines with a power of up to 50 MWe, Gdynia CHP Plant
Conventional power generation, General contractingRevitalization of the boiler plant of Unit 7-230 MW, Kakanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina
GrantsHybrid adsorption systems for mercury emission reduction using highly efficient polymeric components
Hydrogen projectTrigeneration with implementation of green hydrogen – Promet Plast company, Gaj Oławski
Hydrogen project, Renewable and hybrid power generationHydrogen energy storage system, Garbce Traction Substation
Electrical and I & C InstallationImplementation of works related to the connection of group recipients in Opole