or the second time, Nova Energy comprehensively designed, delivered components and installed a photovoltaic installation with a capacity of 49.92kWp, this time on a workshop building in Opole.

The optimal use of the atypical roof area resulted in an extraordinary and futuristic structure consisting of 104 Hyundai modules with a power of 480Wp each in a mixed system, with an east-west and south orientation, and 53 units of SolarEdge SE50K inverter with optimizers.

The ballast assembly system has been individually designed for the flat roof of the workshop building:

  • longitudinal rails located on the roof support the stability of the system,
  • a small angle of inclination of the modules allowed for the use of an optimal amount of ballast and reduction of aerodynamic drag,
  • due to the length of the modules (2m) and their horizontal orientation – they were supported along their entire length on a structurally reinforced profile.

Our installation in numbers:

  • 48,6MWh of annual electricity production,
  • in the summer months: June and July we will produce about 7MWh month of green energy,
  • the equivalent of 1725 trees planted,
  • 37,55 tonnes of CO2 reduction per year, as this is what a carbon energy source would emit.

What are the benefits of a new installation?

  • We use the energy obtained from the sun on an ongoing basis, and the surplus produced is sent via two-way meters to the distribution network.
  • We reduce the consumption of energy from the transmission grid in favor of renewable energy.
  • We contribute to the reduction of emissions to the atmosphere of harmful substances generated in the combustion of solid fuels.
  • When commissioning a modern installation, we use renewable energy sources and we are environmentally friendly.

We monitor the power obtained and the electricity production of the PV system. Thanks to this, we have full supervision over the correct operation of our installation.
